2/17/25 07:15pm by Dirtus Starnicus 5Above -> Clothing store is operational.
2/17/25 02:03am by Assyl3m Avatars - Tons done on clothing store framework, clothes are purchasable, even designed some for both genders.
2/16/25 01:35am by Dirtus Starnicus Avatars -> Started framework for clothing store.
2/15/25 01:33am by Dirtus Starnicus Minichat -> Adjusted message container bottom padding so the most recent message can be seen better.
2/15/25 01:14am by Dirtus Starnicus Account Settings -> Added option to show/hide the minichat.
2/15/25 01:13am by Dirtus Starnicus Account Settings -> Re-styled into categorized tabs.
2/15/25 12:55am by Dirtus Starnicus Layout Theme -> Threw some navigation links up top, changed a few background colors/transparency on a few things.
2/13/25 02:58am by Dirtus Starnicus Farm N Barn -> Fixed double-post bug that was double charging for purchases.
2/13/25 01:51am by Dirtus Starnicus Fixed bug where taxed credits were going to "the faction" instead of "the faction vault"
2/11/25 03:04am by Dirtus Starnicus City Limits -> Added Parcel quickview GUI to oversee tiles of all owned plots. Click a tile to manage that plot, or View Farmland to farm all plots in one page.
2/11/25 03:02am by Dirtus Starnicus City Limits -> Got a bunch of Farm 'n Barn done, integrated player owned plants so that grown plants can be harvested/seen in inventory
2/10/25 01:28am by Dirtus Starnicus City Limits ->
Integrated growth-stage advancement, resource depletion, yield calculations, and various other associated farming functionality.
2/09/25 01:25am by Dirtus Starnicus City Limits -> Putting some things in place.
2/08/25 04:55pm by Dirtus Starnicus Images -> Did up some default male/female avatars.
2/08/25 03:05pm by Dirtus Starnicus CSS -> Adjusted font sizes a bit bigger because I'm old now.
2/08/25 02:27pm by Dirtus Starnicus Battling -> Losing to an opponent should now properly handle faction taxes for both players if necessary.
1/23/25 01:26am by Dirtus Starnicus Tower of Trials -> Implemented Hellfire Hustle perk, enjoy :)
1/22/25 11:05pm by Dirtus Starnicus Junkyard Jamboree -> Adjusted per-level XP reward. Ya'll get a little more now, enjoy.
1/22/25 09:25pm by Dirtus Starnicus Fixed a few accounts that had jacked up XP required to level amounts due to the un-streamlined-ness that existed in XP gain/leveling-up code across multiple game areas prior to the previous update.
1/22/25 12:33am by Dirtus Starnicus Streamlined XP gain/leveling-up code across multiple game areas into one function that handles all types of XP gains appropriately.
1/22/25 12:31am by Dirtus Starnicus Added Freddy the P.I. Guy, for all your private investigation needs.
1/21/25 12:33am by Dirtus Starnicus Mail -> Added Mail.
1/17/25 11:07pm by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Added faction credits taxed for the day to the daily reset.
1/17/25 10:15pm by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Fixed many more flaws in donation/loaning/news events logic and processing. It is more gooder now.
1/16/25 11:57pm by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Moderation of faction news events now applies properly to both clustered and individual news events.
1/16/25 10:05pm by Dirtus Starnicus Factions - > Alike news events now group together and gain a (xY).
1/16/25 08:50pm by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Batch donation of ALL unequipped weapons or armor.
1/16/25 04:29pm by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Added Faction Tags (ie: Deus Ex Machina -> DXM) to Faction Management page. Equipment branding is your factions tag.
1/16/25 04:27pm by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> couple branding/unbranding bug fixes.
1/16/25 01:08am by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Lent out Weapons and Armor now properly show up in Player's inventory and are equippable/unequippable, but not droppable/sellable.
1/15/25 11:37pm by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Leader, Co-leader, and Armorer (Rank 1,2,5) can Brand/Unbrand weapons/armor within the armory.
1/15/25 11:36pm by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Members can now donate weapons/armor/potions/elixirs/fish and soon to be more items to factions.
1/15/25 05:59pm by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Credits and Thingos can now be sent from the faction vault to members by Leader/Co-leader/Treasurer (Rank 1,2,4)
1/15/25 02:40pm by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Credits and thingos donated now tracked in Mainframe member data.
1/15/25 02:43am by Dirtus Starnicus Administration -> Added ability for select Game Staff to moderate faction news events.
1/15/25 02:40am by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Now accepting credit and thingo donations.
1/15/25 12:22am by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Adjusting tax requirements automatically adjusts member tax rate account settings where they would have otherwise fallen out of range.
1/14/25 10:05pm by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Can now gain levels.
1/14/25 12:27am by Dirtus Starnicus Administrative Updates -> Daily Reset and and other cron records now neatly organized.
1/13/25 01:28am by
Dirtus Starnicus +1 more of those

1/13/25 01:19am by Dirtus Starnicus After a bit of testing, several little bugs in the xp/credit tax system have been eradicated between battling and the Battle Trainer.
1/13/25 12:18am by Dirtus Starnicus *sighs*
1/12/25 10:24pm by Dirtus Starnicus Donating battle Credits to/Credits being taxed from battle by Factions is now functional.
1/12/25 07:25pm by Dirtus Starnicus Donating XP to a faction now tracks in Daily Battle Stats and within the Faction Mainframe member list.
1/12/25 07:23pm by Dirtus Starnicus Donating XP from Battle/Battle Trainer to Faction is now functional. Players can set their XP/Credit Taxes in Account Settings.
1/12/25 02:08pm by Dirtus Starnicus City Hall > Fixed cumulative play-time bug.
1/12/25 01:45pm by Dirtus Starnicus Adjusted JunkJam "Yesterday's Top Scores" display so that no scores are displayed if JJ wasn't played yesterday.
1/12/25 01:44pm by Dirtus Starnicus Fixed Last Active timestamp display bug
1/10/25 10:44:13pm by Dirtus Starnicus Updated To-Do list
1/10/25 10:31:53pm by Dirtus Starnicus Last update should apply for Battling, Battle Trainer, and gaining XP in Junkyard Jamboree. If I missed a spot lemme know.
1/10/25 10:21:19pm by
Dirtus Starnicus Gaining a level now tops off HP instead of leaving it what it was - Thanks brobro!
1/09/25 12:08:57am by Dirtus Starnicus Junkyard Jamboree - Oh yeah forgot...added random Bonus XP and Energy gains (Gained during gameplay, not after)
1/09/25 12:00:51am by Dirtus Starnicus Administrative updates - HP Checka tool to assist in Health analytics.
1/08/25 11:57:57pm by Dirtus Starnicus Adjusted and fine tuned a few things game-wide, and a few things to do with Junkyard Jamboree.
1/08/25 12:19:18am by Dirtus Starnicus Updated daily reset system to handle latest Junkyard Jamboree updates.
1/08/25 12:17:59am by Dirtus Starnicus Modified "Time Played" functions for more accurate and efficient play time tracking.
1/08/25 12:16:41am by Dirtus Starnicus Junkyard Jamboree - Added payouts to previous days winners, added display of previous days winners.
1/07/25 12:53am by Dirtus Starnicus Killed all the bugs I nurtured to life over the last 24 hours
1/06/25 12:48am by Dirtus Starnicus Junkyard Jamboree minigame added - work in progress
1/01/25 01:50am by Dirtus Starnicus Added a bit of bbcode and some emoticons
12/29/24 11:49pm by Dirtus Starnicus Rebuilt chat. Added mini chat.
12/28/24 01:07am by Dirtus Starnicus Added Battle Trainer. Visit once a day for some quick and easy.....or not so quick and easy gains.
12/27/24 12:58am by Dirtus Starnicus Added the Welfare Office for teh n00bz
12/25/24 10:35pm by
Dirtus Starnicus Implemented bonus XP based on opponent's stats. If opponent stats ≥ Opponent level × 15, max 20 bonus XP. Lower stats reduce bonus XP in 5-point increments - Thank you for the collab
12/24/24 11:17pm by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Records keeper (member management position) has additional functionality for managing members and Faction bans
12/24/24 11:15pm by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Leader/Co-leader can set their respective Faction options and content for landing pages
12/24/24 12:25am by Dirtus Starnicus Factions -> Owner/Leader, Co-leader, and Records keeper can alter ranks and apply ranks to members.
12/24/24 12:23am by Dirtus Starnicus Got some work done on Factions. Can join and get kicked/bannned and view members list and mainframe.
12/22/24 12:53am by Dirtus Starnicus Fixed some bugs, worked on some faction stuff. You can now apply to uhhhh....my faction. noice.
12/21/24 07:27pm by
Dirtus Starnicus Added various Back buttons that were missing - Thank you
12/21/24 04:30pm by Dirtus Starnicus added functionality for giving/trading armor
12/20/24 04:33pm by Dirtus Starnicus Found some more daily reset items that were missing and put them back in their cage.
12/20/24 11:43am by Dirtus Starnicus Added daily reset log with success/failure details
12/20/24 11:32am by Dirtus Starnicus Fixed a bug in tower of trials that prevented some messages from showing.
12/20/24 11:32am by Dirtus Starnicus Did some optimizing to daily reset script
12/20/24 07:46am by Dirtus Starnicus You can now convert thingos into energy, confidence, health, or credits.
12/19/24 08:28pm by Dirtus Starnicus Added daily alignment gainage from either side back to nightly reset...not sure how it escaped *shifty eyes toward ChatGPT*
12/19/24 07:34pm by Dirtus Starnicus Additionally, items transferred either directly or by trade are added to your transfer logs
12/19/24 07:33pm by Dirtus Starnicus You can now give items directly or propose trade offers to one another.
12/18/24 10:11pm by Dirtus Starnicus Started working on Give items system...Currently you can give each other potions and elixirs. more to come.
12/10/24 11:30pm by Dirtus Starnicus Fixed certs issue, started reworking forums that had some bugs, fixed account registration no-referrer bug
12/04/24 09:50am by Dirtus Starnicus Added Gift Wrapping Christmas Event. Still tweaking.
10/13/24 11:16pm by Dirtus Starnicus Added the Tower of Trials. maybe you'll find some goodies there.
10/13/24 04:56pm by Dirtus Starnicus some fixes here and there with the Ups n Downs and fishing
6/13/24 10:08pm by Dirtus Starnicus Administrative updates - logging
6/12/24 09:42pm by Dirtus Starnicus Started working on Faction stuff. Also added Hall of Fame rankings to House page.
6/06/24 10:45pm by Dirtus Starnicus Added ability to change username/email/password/chat color in addition to avatar
10/19/23 11:05pm by Dirtus Starnicus Ups n' Downs -> Can navigate around, pick up Thingos, and quickbattle mutant mobs for some XP. Fiddling with solid tiles and creating areas of specifisized ground. More updates to come.
10/18/23 01:26pm by Dirtus Starnicus Alignment System - Serenitatis Sanctum
Camp Equinox
Dreadhold Added to town. Whichever side leads the days alignment gains gets a 10% bonus to gains.
10/06/23 11:05pm by Dirtus Starnicus Daily battle stats properly reset daily, adjusted energy gained at reset, dead players revive on the minute for the time being. riverbank fishing casts are properly reset daily.
10/01/23 11:08pm by Dirtus Starnicus Fishing -> Fixed a couple logbook bugs, added 13 (For a total of 14) new species of fish.
9/27/23 11:43pm by Dirtus Starnicus Fishing->Fish now come with Length and Weight. Catching a bigger fish than you previously have will update your Logbook Best Catch for that species.
9/27/23 09:23pm by Dirtus Starnicus Added Fishing Logbook. Details Catch #, weather conditions, weight and length of the lengthiest of each caught species.
9/27/23 09:20pm by Dirtus Starnicus Added Riverbank Fishing. 10 casts a day no license or gear required! You never know what you might dredge up.
9/26/23 11:49pm by Dirtus Starnicus Fishing -> Hints can now be purchased. Some hints are accurate, others, not so much.
9/26/23 10:33pm by Dirtus Starnicus Made updates text bigger so I can read wtf we done did.
9/26/23 10:25pm by Dirtus Starnicus Fishing -> Casts reset, License days docked for license holders, and that gudgud Sour Diesel added to nightly reset.
9/26/23 10:23pm by Dirtus Starnicus Fishing equipment now displays in inventory if you own any. Fishing rods break properly
9/26/23 05:24pm by Dirtus Starnicus Added fish trade in at the Fish Market at the Port.
9/26/23 12:50pm by Dirtus Starnicus Added Confidence Elixir to the game
8/28/23 12:10am by Dirtus Starnicus Hella fishing advancements. Bait is tracked in bait selection form, fish move, lost fish lose bait and hooks, caught fish use bait, etc. Tons of goodies.
3/23/23 05:55pm by Mike Project board fixed? lul
3/23/23 01:54pm by Dirtus Starnicus GPT World -> Um, well, the map seems navigable and the temporary random item currently replaced there resets every 5 minutes.
3/23/23 01:53pm by Mike Chat should load on page load again. Really needs to be re-written at this point
3/23/23 01:52pm by Dirtus Starnicus Deep fried a table in the database as I was working on it. Got that all restored.
3/19/23 10:29pm by Dirtus Starnicus City Hall -> Started working on Office of Historical Records and Statistics.
3/19/23 08:52pm by Dirtus Starnicus City Hall -> Converted internal staff page to City hall, prettied up staff page, added page to view these game updates.
3/19/23 04:06pm by Dirtus Starnicus Battling -> Credit change now tracks losses in initiated battles as well
3/19/23 03:57pm by Dirtus Starnicus Battling -> Credit change tracks properly after factoring bank loan taxes (and fixing the bank loan check function)
3/19/23 03:56pm by Dirtus Starnicus Bank -> Bank loan earnings taxed from battle now maths properly
3/19/23 03:55pm by Dirtus Starnicus Battle -> Credit change Added
3/19/23 02:59pm by Dirtus Starnicus Battling -> Confidence change added to daily battle stats
3/19/23 11:59am by Dirtus Starnicus Battling -> Added most of daily battle stats tracking, adding Conf gain and Credits earned now.
3/18/23 10:32pm by Dirtus Starnicus Inventory->Fixed page title becoming blank after doing any actions
3/18/23 02:20:35pm by Dirtus Starnicus Bunch of template changes, few other little tweaks
3/16/23 11:50:40pm by Dirtus Starnicus Gym->Added bad ass chart on historical report, fixed more bullshit math stuff, colorized each stat's time bar, did some test training, numbers seem right I guess.
3/13/23 02:12:49pm by Dirtus Starnicus Gym->Several math fixes nobody would have ever noticed were wrong
3/13/23 01:29:42pm by Dirtus Starnicus Gym-> All 4 stats are trainable. Each gives a detailed breakdown including Grading scale on the report page. Daily reports get added to gym report autochronimagically in order to pull cumulative historical data in long term gym report
3/12/23 12:27:00am by Dirtus Starnicus Gym-> Also, daily report already shows a couple detailed breakdowns, more to follow as I add in the other stats trainability
3/12/23 12:24:49am by Dirtus Starnicus Gym->Got Strength training mostly done. Training is timing based, costs energy. Daily stats are tracked for the day and sent to a Report table that tracks all-time gym data
3/10/23 11:53:20pm by Dirtus Starnicus Battling :> Incorporated and finessed Critical Hit and Fear attacks
3/10/23 01:41:59pm by Dirtus Starnicus Battle Tracking :> Players On/Not On your friend list now functional
3/10/23 01:15:41pm by Dirtus Starnicus Battle Tracking :-> Alignment now works properly + Small tweaks to status icon tooltips
3/10/23 11:34:01am by Dirtus Starnicus Battle Tacking players On/Not On your shit list now functional
3/09/23 06:25:01pm by Dirtus Starnicus Went OG on the layout, fixed glitched forum code, opacity adjustments
3/03/23 07:45:25pm by Dirtus Starnicus Couple small inventory link fixes and a time fix on updates page
8/09/21 12:07:29pm by Mike Added option to delete all player news
8/09/21 09:50:07am by Mike Added maintenance mode
8/08/21 09:53:51pm by Dirtus Starnicus Added a bunch of Potion and Armor images into the stores and some of them into inventory.
8/08/21 08:56:30pm by Dirtus Starnicus Created Apothecary store, for all your potion needs.
8/08/21 02:46:47pm by Mike Fixed small issue with chat not loading right on mobile
8/08/21 08:35:58am by Mike Added total time played
8/07/21 11:50:20pm by Mike Fixed og chat display bug
8/07/21 08:43:48pm by Dirtus Starnicus Weapons and Armor can now be equipped and removed via Inventory.
8/07/21 05:58:37pm by Dirtus Starnicus Fixed player news box so it wouldn't stretch the page if you didn't have any news.
8/07/21 03:46:00pm by Dirtus Starnicus Fixed side bar confidence display bug
8/06/21 10:25:07am by Mike Updated welcome page and updated format username function to show names as a link to player details
8/05/21 09:24:30pm by Mike Fixed a bug allowing for you to create an account without filling any form fields out
8/05/21 09:00:09pm by Mike A couple of small changes to player rankings. Added total stats rank.
8/04/21 11:37:13pm by Mike Hall of Fame is done...for now
8/03/21 11:08:24pm by Dirtus Starnicus fixed an oopsie with maximum confidence rounding itself up when it hit x.5
8/03/21 09:49:27pm by Dirtus Starnicus Shit list done for now until we come up with some nifty stuff to add beyond its original intended purpose.
8/02/21 06:42:33pm by Dirtus Starnicus Updated update section of ACP...Got tired of seeing all the staff names going down the page.
8/02/21 06:41:20pm by Dirtus Starnicus Did some message board styling.
8/01/21 07:54:06pm by Mike Bank is finished. I need to add a confirmation to transferring and taking out a loan but that's it
8/01/21 03:09:54pm by Mike Alright should be good. $time and $srvr_time
1627848218 by Mike Time should be showing correctly on most stuff
2021-08-01 16:47:04 by Dirtus Starnicus Updated news alerts of battle results. Now shows xp gained by a player when the attacker loses a fight.
2021-08-01 16:21:09 by Dirtus Starnicus Fixed oversight where if you lost a battle it wouldn't use any confidence.
2021-07-31 04:59:27 by Dirtus Starnicus Battle tracking to find opponents matching specific criteria is now 100% functional.
2021-07-29 18:41:29 by Mike Fixed bug in avatar upload.
2021-07-29 18:15:01 by Mike Index page redirects to house page if still logged in
2021-07-29 17:22:58 by Mike Signups are back up
2021-07-29 01:42:27 by Dirtus Starnicus Revive potion, first healing potion, and full heal potion are in operation via inventory...if ya got em ;)
2021-07-29 01:30:25 by Mike Can now fully deposit and withdraw from the bank. You can also change your chat color by typing /color HEX without the "#". Will add an option in account settings later.
2021-07-27 21:29:16 by Mike Function to go through checks for online status icons is finished will add to view player details later
2021-07-27 04:22:46 by Dirtus Starnicus Per Mike, You can now withdrawal all, or deposit all your money at the bank.
2021-07-27 04:03:46 by Dirtus Starnicus Got to work on Inventory page. Functionality before fanciness.
2021-07-27 00:43:32 by Mike Avatars should be working. Will add an upload script later on
2021-07-26 23:14:44 by Dirtus Starnicus Forums reconstructed and ready to rock.
2021-07-26 02:40:52 by Dirtus Starnicus Also, Gaining a level now grants +3 Stat points that can be allocated from the battle page.
2021-07-26 02:40:04 by Dirtus Starnicus Battling is at 98%. Can give/gain +/- alignment, steal/lose credits, gain levels, gain/lose confidence, etc. Have fun.
2021-07-25 03:20:32 by Mike 5/15 minute cron scripts setup
2021-07-24 21:27:15 by Mike Small update to keep chatbar from caching
2021-07-19 22:40:36 by Dirtus Starnicus Updated daily cron so that it sets current health to health including stamina bonus rather than base health
2021-07-15 03:36:55 by Dirtus Starnicus Weapons are almost equipable. Armor next after weapons are finished up
2021-07-14 03:20:58 by Dirtus Starnicus Login count works again
2021-07-14 01:38:19 by Dirtus Starnicus Project To-Do List....updated
2021-07-11 22:50:20 by Mike Players currently online should be fixed
2021-07-11 01:36:36 by Mike Rankings should be showing correctly on view details page
2021-07-11 01:17:10 by Mike Setup cron for daily reset
2021-07-11 01:07:00 by Mike PM chat re-installed. Should be working again
2021-07-10 20:18:53 by Dirtus Starnicus Added a few weapons into "weapons" table, in order to start working on the weapon/armor store a bit
2021-07-07 03:51:35 by Dirtus Starnicus puttin it back together. lulz.